
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Very First TIme

When I first discovered Cake Bites I was so curious about them.  Why had I never heard of them? Does anyone make these?  Can I make these?  I came home and told my husband, I  have a new project!  in return he gave me a look of, oh joy (complete sarcasm of course). 

I went up to Kroger and grabbed a red velvet box cake mix.  Yes, I started with box cake. Why was I going to get my kitchen all messy if they might turn out horrible. When all was said and done my kitchen was a complete wreck anyway, my cake bites were very very mushy, and my chocolate coating around them looked lumpy and bumpy and just all around terrible.  But practice does make perfect and I was determined.  Not to mention I had committed cake bites to bring to a friends baby shower.  Nothing like a deadline to motivate :)  When I took them to the baby shower they were a hit!  I knew that this could be something fun to do, and something I could possibly turn into a business.

NO this is not a personal blog, but I had to share a picture of my sweet angel helping Mommy the very first time we made cake bites.  She was only 6 months old.  Now she is walking and standing at my feet hoping one day I will give in and let her have just one little bite.  Sorry sweetie, No sweets for you.

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